2024 / 01 Polstar Store Locator Map Now on SHOPLINE App Store

2024-01-18 台灣新竹 發佈

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Polstar’s store locator map is now available on SHOPLINE App Store! 


The store locator on your website is more than a just a list of phone numbers and addresses. Polstar store map includes:


Branded logos on maps: Increase your store’s visibility on the map by going beyond a plain coordinate icon.


Comprehensive location details: Beyond basic information like names and opening hours, the customizable sections allow you to exhibit store photos, parking directions, recommended products, inventory status, social connections, and more, all conveniently available on the map.


Map tagging: Easily filter location tags at the map’s top-left corner, displaying options like card payment availability, store positioning, and more. This feature enables customers to quickly find their desired locations.


For detailed guidance on incorporating the store map onto your store website, refer to the article ‘Embedding a Store Map into Your SHOPLINE Website.‘ It provides a step-by-step process for integr ation.Experience a seamless journey with our store map’s user-friendly interface and customizable functionalities.


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